C O V I D – 1 9
The Mountain View International Festival of Song and Chamber Music Society will continue to monitor the COVID-19 health restrictions closely. The health and safety of our members and performers is a priority to our organization and we will continue to follow all health guidelines. We are thrilled to return to live in person concerts and are focussing on bringing interesting and exciting new material to concert venues once again!
Isolation Point Virtual Concert Series:
We will no longer be presenting our Isolation Point Virtual Concerts but they are all available online on our Youtube channel, however, I would like to thank Calgary Arts Development for their recent Short Term Relief Grant that has allowed us to continue presenting projects and supporting musicians during COVID-19. I would also like to thank all the fabulous musicians who have dedicated their time and talents to this project. As Aldous Huxley said, "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
Musicians across the globe struggled throughout the pandemic. Projects were cancelled, incomes decimated, many are still struggling financially. I believe that the International Festival of Song and Chamber Music Society (Mountain View) can provide a beacon of hope for our local artists. I started an online performance project called Isolation Point Virtual Concert Series for local Calgary area musicians where they can still perform and be paid for their online performances by our organization. In this time of intense challenge and difficulty, I see this as an opportunity to provide a helpful way forward.
These performances are incredibly intimate and a stark reminder of this intense and surreal time. We are all under a physical distancing order and cannot play together. We are alone in our performances unless we are fortunate to live with a musical partner. These musicians are at home, performing for us from their living quarters. You can access these special performances through our website, our newsletter, our new YouTube Channel on our website, on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
These concerts are free for our listeners – please enjoy! But we also hope you may be able to donate. Our funds are being used at this moment to help as many local musicians as we can – your support is most appreciated for this local cause. We will have several performances over the next while featuring Alberta artists. The adventure will continue with a variety of musicians coming your way for as long as we can continue!
To make a donation please click here.
Kathleen van Mourik
Artistic Director